Thursday, May 9, 2013

March Happenings

Dan got the kids a bow and arrow set in March and set up a target for them to shoot at.  Of course, there were some safety rules set!  We've got a couple kids getting rather good at shooting arrows. 
Anne collected arrows, while Catherine helped keep Anthony away.  The girls also took turns shooting arrows.




One day in March, I made a cranberry apple pie, using fresh berries.  It was delicious, and almost tasted like apple and cherry.

The girls have been learning how to do plastic canvas work in their faith formation class held once a month, and in March I helped all of the girls work on making crosses (I'm one of their teachers).  Here is one that Catherine made:

One evening in March, it was so nice out, that rather than interrupt the fun times outside, we had a dinner picnic on the deck. The first picnic dinner of the year!
Leftover homemade pizza and salad.

We got a stack of trays from Dan's brother (thanks!).  They used to belong to a school, and will now be very handy for eating outside!

In late March, my sister and her family came for an overnight visit.  My nephew, William, had won first place at the Greater Kansas City Science Fair, so he got to go to the State Science Fair, which was held in Wichita.  He takes after his aunt, of course! :)  Part of the science fair was on a Friday evening, and the rest on Saturday morning.  
Three of my sister's kids stayed to play Saturday morning, while their big brothers and parents went to the science fair.

It was Clara's third birthday, so we made some cupcakes.  All the kids helped put on the frosting.

Anthony likes cupcakes.

The two three year olds, born two weeks apart.
 We all had a fun visit.  It was great to see all of the cousins playing together!

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