Saturday, April 25, 2015

January Jumble

Eating lunch at Spangles with Grandma Brungardt.

First attempt at making bagels.

No prizes for looks, but they tasted good.

One day when I was making bierocks, Anthony had to make his own little one.


January saw Shocker Mania coming on strong at the Brungardt household.

Dan took Joseph and Dominic to a Shockers game and they were thrilled!

Boys in front of Charles Koch Arena on the WSU campus.

At the end of January, my sister-in-law took the big kids to the Young People's Concert and all the little ones stayed with me.

Joseph was the "big" kid, so he helped me watch the little ones.

The old, decrepit swing set survived another round of play.

Little Balthaser ready for action!

Fun with friends at the park.

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