Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Hairy, Scary Tale

When four kids are armed with scissors, and Mom finds a chunk of hair on the floor, her heart skips a beat, and she gasps, "Who cut their hair?!"

No one answers, so Mom looks at the kid closest to the hair, which happens to be Dominic. A guilty look spreads across his face, so Mom inspects his hair, and sure enough, there on the top, right in the front, is a mostly bald spot.

Hmm, I think a haircut is in someone's future. A very short haircut.


Kansas Mom said...

At least he cut his own hair. First Daughter cut Second Daughter's hair (months ago now) and I was terrified I was going to find blood. I was pretty sure she was ok since there were no tears, but I was still afraid.

Colleen said...


We dealt with that, not too long ago.

How she thought we wouldn't notice 1) the chunk of hair missing in the front or, 2) the chunks of hair in the her sister's desk drawer, is simply beyond me!!!!

House of Brungardt said...

I'm glad we're not the only ones!