Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sometimes It Takes All Day

Yesterday, it took me all day to clean the master bathroom. Of course, I was really cleaning it this time. That includes the bathtub and the shower, which don't make it into the regular bathroom cleaning. I started out cleaning the shower while taking a shower during Joseph's short morning nap. Unfortunately, I couldn't even finish that before the other kids came running in to tell me that Joseph was crying. So I stopped and got out, got dressed, and went to get the baby. I comforted him and got him settled on the floor just outside the bathroom with a whole basket of toys, which normally keeps him occupied for at least 15 minutes. I got back to my cleaning, only to have Mr. Grumpy Baby Boy be just that - grumpy. I managed to get a little more done and then I had to abandon it all together.

So Joseph and I went to read stories to the other 3, who had been behaving fairly well this whole time. Then it was lunchtime. After lunch, I was intending to clean a little more while they got their crazies out before naptime, but nope, nothing doing. So, it was naptime for all the kids. You might be thinking, oh now is the perfect time to finish the job. It would have been, except that Joseph takes a nap on our bed and I was not going to take a chance on waking him by cleaning on the other side of the door.

So, I had to wait until after naptime. Then it was time for a snack for all. I found something for everyone to do and quickly went to work. This time I had success and I am happy to report that the job finally got done, 8 hours after it was begun!

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