Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Read at Your Own Risk

Why is it that when you have children, your sense of humor becomes warped? Why does your baby burping or tooting really loud strike you as hilarious? Kids are definitely an endless source of amusement.

The other night we were eating dinner, which was bacon, egg, and cheese on toast. Dominic had bacon in one hand, egg in the other, and started choking on some bacon he had already stuffed in. As I watched closely, he gagged and then proceeded to vomit what he had eaten into his bib and over his plate. (I told you to read at your own risk!)

He waited only long enough for me to take off his bib and wipe off his mouth, then immediately stuffed in the bacon that was in his hand!! The look on his face was funny. He was hungry and he wasn't going to let a little choking and puking get in the way of a good piece of bacon! The rest of the kids didn't pause in their eating, either.

Be forewarned if you come to our house for dinner. You never know what might happen!

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