He took it for a test drive. Anthony was very interested in what Dominic was doing:
This is easy!
And Joseph was ready to hop on Dominic's old bike, which is now his new bike!

So now the moment of truth:

There he goes!
And Joseph was ready to hop on Dominic's old bike, which is now his new bike!
So now the moment of truth:
There he goes!
And a crash!

Another try:

Off he goes again.

Daddy gives him a push. Notice that I volunteered for camera (and Anthony) duty. :)

And another crash. There were lots of those at first. But Dominic really got the hang of the whole balance thing very quickly.

Most of the time he came up smiling and determined to get on again and learn to ride:

However, on his final run of the evening, he ran into a tree. You know how it takes a little longer to get the whole steering thing when learning to ride a bike. So after consoling and some first aid, he was ready to show off his battle scars:
And I have to report that after a few days of practice, Dominic was able to ride several times in a row around the house and after a few more days, he was able to get his bike started by himself, and now he can, for the most part, ride where he wants to go! He was a determined young man and he seems so grown up now riding his bike around with Catherine.
Now on to sweet little Anne. When she saw Dominic riding across the yard that first evening, she decided she wanted to try as well. So Daddy took off her training wheels and helped her get started. After a time or two, she was not liking that feeling of being unbalanced and definitely not liking the falling part. She made it clear she did not want Daddy to help her anymore and she played around for a while:
Another try:
Off he goes again.
Daddy gives him a push. Notice that I volunteered for camera (and Anthony) duty. :)
And another crash. There were lots of those at first. But Dominic really got the hang of the whole balance thing very quickly.
Most of the time he came up smiling and determined to get on again and learn to ride:
However, on his final run of the evening, he ran into a tree. You know how it takes a little longer to get the whole steering thing when learning to ride a bike. So after consoling and some first aid, he was ready to show off his battle scars:
Now on to sweet little Anne. When she saw Dominic riding across the yard that first evening, she decided she wanted to try as well. So Daddy took off her training wheels and helped her get started. After a time or two, she was not liking that feeling of being unbalanced and definitely not liking the falling part. She made it clear she did not want Daddy to help her anymore and she played around for a while: