Thursday, November 10, 2011

The St. Louis Zoo, Too

So, we waited for the zoo train and then got on board.

We took up three seats and right away Anthony started to "get" Joseph.  This picture cracks me up!

The girls

The twins

The train was really neat, except the first train we got on broke down part-way to the next stop.  So we got off and walked around.  Here is the big male elephant.

The kids loved this cute "little" baby elephant.


A stop for snacks and drinks.

Back on board the train (no more problems there), we rode through a few tunnels.  Here's Joseph going through one of them.  I think he was a little bit excited.

These two chimps were the funniest sight to see.  They were carrying something and one got behind the other, and then they walked along in perfect step with each other.  I wish I had gotten it on video, but I wasn't quick enough.  Da doot da doo, da doot da doo...

Who's checking out whom?

This bunch is all tuckered out and ready to go!

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