Thursday, April 15, 2010

Decision Made For Me

When the temperature is going to be between 75 and 80 degrees, there is always that time of day when you have to decide whether to close up the house and turn on the AC or just leave the windows open. Today was one of those days and I was contemplating...

Until something happened which made the decision a no-brainer.

I was putting the boys to bed for a nap when suddenly, and boy do I mean suddenly, there came a very strong skunk odor in through the window. I quickly closed that window and I looked around outside. Seeing no sign of a skunk I then went into the next room where I could not smell it. Until about a minute later. Stinky! It quickly spread to all of the south windows and I ran around the house and closed all of the windows and the AC came on!

I thought skunks were nocturnal. Hmm. Maybe we'll have to play inside today.

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