Two weeks ago today was the culmination of our first year in the homeschool choir: The Summer Concert! We started last fall and our three oldest children sang in the choir once a week. It was interesting to see them develop from reserved kids to ones who loved to go and play with their friends and sing with gusto! Joseph came along, and even though he could sing the songs at home, he never wanted to participate when we were at choir practice. Which was fine. So here are all the kids above, ready for the big event.
Dominic, Anne, and Catherine are ready to warm up their voices and sing!

Here are the St. Cecilia's Little Lambs, which was the choir for 4-7 year olds. Anne and Dominic are in the front and Catherine is in the back, off to the far right. They sang their Litany of Saints,
Father Abraham,
This Little Light of Mine, and
We Are Marching In The Light Of God.

Every week in choir practice, they would sing their Litany of Saints, do fun little exercises, play with instruments, sing fun songs with actions like Farmer in the Dell, and practice the concert songs. I was so proud of them, singing up there on the stage. They did very well!

This is the St. Gregory's Children's Choir, which is for age 7 and up:

Then the two choirs came together and sang
Be Joyful, Mary and
America (which I always think of as My Country Tis Of Thee).

Here's a close-up. Dominic was funny when it came time to take a bow. He did a very grand bow which was funny to see in a little kid. And every so often I will hear him spontaneously start belting out, " My country, tis of thee..."