Saturday, January 9, 2010

O Christmas Tree

Okay, so we took down our Christmas tree today, so now I can tell you about getting it! :) Not quite two weeks before Christmas, we took a trip to the Christmas Tree farm. Here we are waiting for the tractor to come give us a ride out to the trees. I remember we thought it was really cold that day, after seeing the -19 degree wind chills here lately, we'd probably think otherwise now.

Look at those smiles! We are ready to go!

Looking for just the right tree.

We found it, Mommy!

Daddy chopping it down.

For some reason, Catherine found it all hilarious.

We watched our tree get shaken and wrapped.

Then we headed inside for some hot chocolate and popcorn. When asked later what their favorite part was, a couple of the kids said, "The popcorn!" Like we never have that at home.

While the kids were napping, Dan brought in the tree and I hung the lights. Then all four of the kids helped put the ornaments on the tree. They thought that was great fun (and I did, too!). And I managed to refrain from moving any ornaments, only pointing out when there were four ornaments hanging in the same spot. I'm sure I have a picture of the finished tree somewhere, but you'll probably see that later. Ha! Ha!

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