Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mice Capades!

Yes, we have been having some "adventures" with mice. Yes, that is plural. As in 5 dead and counting. Where did we catch them, you ask? Well, let me tell you the story.

A couple weeks ago, when we had a large delivery come very late at night(more on that at another time), Dan saw a mouse in the garage scurry along the wall and disappear into a crack. I don't know why, but I didn't think much about it. Then, about a week ago, one morning I was making Dan's lunch and the kids were around the island standing on chairs, when I thought I saw a small shadow darting next to the dishwasher. I kept watching the rest of the day, but nothing. Maybe it was my imagination.

On Saturday night, Dan set a mousetrap out in the garage and went out to the big shed to work on a project after the kids went to bed. Well, you know how a pregnant woman needs to eat a little more often. I went to the pantry at 9:30(yeah, that time is forever burned into my brain) to find a snack, and when I opened the door I saw a giant gray mouse jump out of sight in the corner. Okay, it was the typical little house mouse, except that I have never had to deal with a mouse in the house before and it was really creepy. And Dan was out in the shed! So I figured out how to set a mousetrap and put it in there and shut the door. Needless to say, that was quite the appetite suppressant! Then I sat in the living room and listened for any sounds. After a long while, I thought, oh, I'll do a little research about mice. So I got on the internet and read: they can jump, they are excellent climbers, they can have babies every 3 weeks, they can squeeze through 6mm openings, etc. Ick! Don't read that stuff right before you go to bed or you won't be able to sleep. Especially when you occasionally heard little mice feet pitter-patting somewhere in your kitchen, while you were reading about them.

Sunday morning we found a dead mouse in the garage and another one in the pantry! Thankfully, Dan took care of those. The kids were fascinated. Dan demonstrated with an empty mousetrap so they would stay away from them. When he set one off with a pen, the trap broke the pen, so they were suitably impressed.

Sunday night two traps set. Monday morning, one dead mouse in the garage, none in the pantry. I thought, great, they are out of the pantry, I can clean it out. Monday afternoon, I was resting on the couch after putting the 3 little ones to bed, and then it started. Pitter-patter! Scurry, scurry. I could hear the sounds through the wall right where the pantry was. Well, that was it for the cleaning. I hate to admit it, but I am a wimp when it comes to little critters, especially when they are in the house. I would not have made a good pioneer woman.

So, I asked Dan to help me with the pantry. He suggested we could just wait until they were all dead, then clean it out. And I said what if there is a nest of babies in there? So we cleaned out the whole bottom section of the pantry (which is really a closet with a bi-fold door). Meaning, Dan took everything out and I wiped anything not chewed on with a clorox wipe. Thank goodness for husbands who will do the worst part of the job. Well, as he got closer and closer to the suspicious corner, he got more cautious and we started to see evidence of the mice. Quite a few things got tossed. A big bag of beans chewed open, half a large sack of rice, two bags of M&Ms, some bags of chocolate chips, and more. Sigh. Who knew mice liked chocolate. Then, Dan jumped and there was a mouse scurrying out of sight down into some crevice. Oh, creepy! Boy, was I glad I was a few feet behind him. All temptation was removed and put away into unchewable containers and all mousetraps remained untouched in the pantry.

Tuesday morning there was another dead mouse in the garage. I hoped that was the last one. But, wait, there is more. Yesterday evening I had just put a tray of leftover homemade pizza into the oven to reheat. I went to the computer to check something and shortly I heard the little pitter-patter. I turned my head in time to see a little gray mouse scurry along my kitchen floor and disappear under the stove. I gasped and jumped back(even though I was about 6 feet away). Great, my dinner is in the oven. And to top it off I needed to get a cookie sheet out of the drawer underneath. No, I didn't ask Dan to do it. I managed to finish getting things ready for dinner, though I did bang the oven door a lot to try to keep it away.

I think there was another dead mouse in the garage this morning, but I'll have to ask Dan for sure. If so that makes 5! Nobody will want to come visit us now. Next on the list of things to get is a cat.


Kansas Mom said...

Oh, I feel for you! In case you're wondering, they can crawl up walls and get in cabinets. I don't know how, but they can.

We have become experts on getting rid of mice. Seriously. Give us a call if you want to know the very best traps to use and the way to get the most out of the snap traps. Well, call Kansas Dad.

I do not deal with dead mice or set traps. Kansas Dad wanted to move to the country and has an allergy to cats, so he's in charge or all rodent-related duties. I hate them! Even if they are kind of small and cute. (I sometimes have to force myself to not squirm when reading books that mention little mice to the kids. They think they're so cute.)

Eventually, we're going to get a couple of outside cats to keep a perimeter for us, but we just haven't gotten around to it.

House of Brungardt said...

Well, we caught another one last night, IN THE PANTRY!! I hope that was the one I saw run under the stove. We've caught them all with the basic mousetraps. So it seems to be working so far. I'll holler if we need anymore ideas. I've been reworking my whole food storage system. I'll have to get some buckets or something to store bulk items in, like rice.

I have to disagree. :) I don't think they are cute at all! And why does every book, movie, cartoon portray them as so cute? Tom & Jerry, Mickey Mouse, The Secret of NIMH, and so on.

I need to talk to my neighbor. I know they have a bunch of cats. Maybe she'll give us a kitten next time.

Kansas Mom said...

We're in the market for kittens if she has extras!

I store everything in plastic containers (and often put them in the freezer when we buy in bulk). I don't have "official long-term-storage" containers. I just re-use jars and containers from food we've eaten. Plastic bags don't work, though, you need hard plastic (or glass).

Chrissy said...

I feel for you! We had one mouse in the house last year and it took a week to catch him despite our mouse traps. It creeped me out. Then about a month ago, we had something scratching (maybe a mouse?) in our bedroom wall. I heard right before I crawled in bed. Until 3 in the morning I heard it frantically scratching away. Of course, my husband was able to sleep right through it. Good luck with the mice capades.

Yes, get a kitty! We got one last summer and the kids have really enjoyed him.

House of Brungardt said...

It sounds like mice problems are more common than I knew!

Dawn said...

We'll still come visit!! We had lots of mice at our old house! If there are any little cracks, they can get in from have to find where they are getting into the house from and seal it up.

The only mouse I have found in this house is a dead one that moved here with us. EWWWWWW!