Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Joseph's Birthday Party
Mommy was inspired by a birthday card Joseph got the day before his birthday: Puppy dog!
Happy Birthday to Joseph!
Joseph liked his cake:
He liked his presents, too:
All the kids were very interested in Joseph's new toys:
Friday, May 23, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday, Joseph!
Baby Joseph turns one today! It is hard to believe it has already been a whole year. Last year on this day I was 10 days overdue and agreed to be induced. All it took to put me into labor was "breaking my water" (isn't that a funny term?). We had to go to a different hospital this time around and it was the non-Catholic hospital in town. I missed seeing the crucifix on the wall, but my nurse was wearing a Sacred Heart of Jesus pin, which was really neat.
I had four hours of hard labor, with the last hour or so being extremely intense, with long contractions one on top of the next. I have to say, it was the hardest labor out of all of them so far, even more so than the twins. Finally, he was ready to come out and then the near disaster struck. With his head already out, his shoulders got stuck (called shoulder dystocia). Then followed a minute (seemed like an eternity!) of near-panic, several manuevers, and the most intense pain I have ever experienced in my life. The doctor had to manually rotate Joseph's shoulders from the inside and thankfully, it worked. Shoulder dystocia can be fatal to the baby if you can't get him out quickly.
We are so grateful to God that our baby was born safe and sound and we have loved and enjoyed him immensely over the past year. He was born on his grandfather's birthday (deceased 3-8-04) and thus bears his name: Joseph Balthaser Brungardt. His three older siblings love him dearly and help Mommy and Daddy take care of him. His latest feat is standing alone for 5-10 seconds and then clapping his hands, grinning and laughing all the while.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
You Know Mom Is Tired, #2
You know Mom is tired when she puts a load of clothes in the dryer and forgets to turn it on.
You Know Mom Is Tired, #1
You know Mom is tired when she flops on the couch after breakfast and lets the kids watch cartoons.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Murphy's Law for Moms, #12
Baby wipes are either too big (when you just need a little wipe) or they are way too small, for those stinky messes that require a full body hazard suit and a bath for everyone within 10 feet.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
"Poncheench!" Catherine, Dominic, and Anne ran around like maniacs.
"You're Poncheench!"
"No, I'm not! You're Poncheench!"
And on and on.
"What does that mean?"
"I don't know."
I am really out of the loop.
"You're Poncheench!"
"No, I'm not! You're Poncheench!"
And on and on.
"What does that mean?"
"I don't know."
I am really out of the loop.
Monday, May 5, 2008
How to Cook a Lion
by Catherine Brungardt
First, you have to catch the lion and put him into jail.
Next, you have to cut him in 2 big pieces and stuff him into the oven.
Then, you slice him up and put him into the microwave.
After that, you have to finish cooking him on the stove. And then, you eat him.
She "cut off" the head for Mommy to eat. Mmmm. Yum. Wasn't that nice?

First, you have to catch the lion and put him into jail.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
The Baby Spider Monkey Tiger Shark!
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