As you may have noticed, I have fallen just a little behind on this blog. :) So, I am going all the way back to the beginning of October, and then I'll try to catch up as I can!
That first weekend of October was just a few days after Anthony broke his arm. Dan, Dominic, and Joseph drove out to Victoria on Friday night, so that on Saturday they could go to the Fort Hays State University track meet held at the Sand Plum Nature Trail on the Brungardt family land.
The entrance to the track meet. |
The athletes prepared for the race. You can see the double towers of the Cathedral of the Plains in the background. |
The runners lined up for the first race. This was the girls. |
There were some killer hills on this course. Here, two of the runners came down a hill and crossed the bridge that Dan's brother built. |
The cannon that was fired to start each race. |
A guy on a bike led the way to make sure the racers knew where they were going. I would not want his job going up those hills! |
Joseph and Dominic rested on one of the benches Uncle Joe built. |
Here come the racers! |
Meanwhile, I drove down with the girls and Anthony on Saturday morning. After lunch at Grandma's house, we went back to the nature trail to check out the racecourse.
Walking sticks in hand, everyone headed down a hill. |
You can't tell, but Anthony's arm was wrapped up in a splint. It didn't stop him, though! |
Dominic checked out the turkey caller. We did not see any turkeys, though. I'm sure we were too loud. |
Behind the girls you can see one of the track meet signs, pointing the way for the 5K or 8K races. |
There were a lot of pretty fall colors. |
Coming down one of the monster hills. Can't imagine running up something like this! |
As you can see, it was a cold weekend for October. |