Sunday, May 9, 2010

Dominic Poses


Andrea said...

I was flipping through an old issue of "The Family Digest" from 1947 and came upon an article titled "The House of Brungardt" that seems to have originally been published in St. Anthony Messenger. It was a lovely story about Margaret, a mother of 19 and the second wife of Dr. Brungardt who was widowed. It made me wonder if any of those Brungardt children were still Catholic and living in KS. I googled it and your blog came up. What a nice treat to find that some Brungardts are still Catholic and even homeschooling! Are you familiar with this article?

House of Brungardt said...

Yes indeed that article is referring to my grandparents, father (Joe), and aunts and uncles. It has been so long since I read it, how did you get a hold of a copy? In fact the name of our blog was taken from that article!

The Faith has been passed down and we still have quite a few fervent Catholics in the Brungardt clan - priests and religious among them (as well as many homeschoolers).

It was a surprise and a delight to read your comment! Thanks!
