Last weekend, on Saturday, the wind was low and it had recently rained, so Dan seized the opportunity to set fire to the big pasture and also the big brush pile that he had been collecting ever since we moved in. There was so much dry grass in the pasture that it really was a fire hazard and a
controlled fire is definitely the way to go! Dan's brother had done this before so he came over and the two brothers got to work.

Dan had his paths mowed all around the edges of the pasture, so the fire break was all set. Dan's brother started by walking along setting fire to the edge.

It quickly spread to the north.

A view with the house and shed in the background.

The crazy path of fire!

Storm clouds are gathering. Will they beat the rain?

Not a sight you would typically want to see with your house in the background!

Not something I would want to do.

There is a beauty in fire.

Setting fire to the brush pile, which contained within it two Christmas trees.

Look at that blaze!

Smores, anyone?

The brush pile is gone, the fire is out, just smoldering a bit.

The unlucky rabbit that decided to hide in the brush pile.

The fire in the field is also out. It was a success.

A few days later, the kids followed the crazy path through the charred field.

They told me they were singing "Follow The Yellow Brick Road."
Second Daughter still comments on the charred remains of our pine tree fire every time we walk or drive past it: "Daddy make fire!"
And it wasn't nearly as big as these!
Our kids will be talking about the burned up rabbit for a while, I'm sure!
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