Thursday, May 7, 2015

New Chicks and Early Garden Work

One day, shortly after Anthony's birthday, we got a call from our local farm store that they had new chicks in.  So that afternoon, the kids and I drove to town to buy some chicks.  They were already out of the breed we were intending to buy, so instead of waiting longer, we opted for a different breed.  Our main goals were to get good egg layers that would also be a different color from the chickens we already have.
Anne and Anthony

Joseph, with Dom, the little chick.

Catherine and her chicks.

Our new chicks, Buff Orpingtons, travelled home in style.

The kids helped me put the chicks into the brooder box, and then we had fun watching them get acclimated.

On the second day of spring, we had a garden day.
Joseph and Dominic headed for one of the raised beds.

Together, they worked to chop down the dead stuff from last year.

Meanwhile, Anne, Anthony, and Catherine helped Daddy with the small side garden, where potatoes and onions were soon planted.

Hi Mommy!

Inside, the tomato and pepper seedlings grew on the window seat in Anthony's room.  He took extra special care of them.

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