Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Of Candy and Wolves

The kids have been looking forward to Halloween for weeks now, and after all, who can blame them? They get to dress up in costumes and be taken by their parents to strange houses where the people inside give them candy! Here are the four munchkins: Doggie, Clown, Princess, and Parrot. Several costume reruns, but hey, they're still cute!
We loaded up in the mini-van and headed to a nearby town to hit one of the neighborhoods. If you can't tell, I went as a pumpkin (the belly, that is).

Hey, only one out of four is blurry. Not bad considering the level of excitement and the fact that we were just about to trick-or-treat at the first house.

What about the wolves, you are asking? Unfortunately, as I was walking up to the second house with the kids, a wolf jumped out right as we got to the stairs and started howling at the kids. Talk about some trauma inducement in a 2 year old (and a 4 year old who will remain nameless, the other 2 were frozen). The dad of the wolf was nearby and the guilt was just dripping off him as he ran over and ripped the wolf's head off to reveal a mere boy. Then he (the dad) seemed to want to do more to lessen his guilt, as Joseph was still crying, so he started throwing handfuls of candy into the children's sacks. Not a very good way to start the evening. It took poor Joseph a while to even want to go near another house. But, this story had a happy ending with lots of candy and happy kids, and Joseph seemed to have forgotten about the scary part.
Although, if you ask him now how trick-or-treating was, he'll say, "Woof scared me!!"

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