Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hillary Rodham & Barack Hussein Obama

I am just wondering how fickle the democrat/independent voters in NH could be if what the pundits are saying is true. Hillary chokes up (did anyone actually see a tear?) and all of a sudden she gets the votes needed to win the state.

I should be happy she won. She has such high negatives that a Republican would have more of a chance of beating her than Barack Hussein Obama.

Sadly, based on what I see from the field of Republican candidates (Duncan Hunter being the exception), the conservative movement appears to be in the final throes of death. Would the Church allow a cloning exception if the cloned person was Ronald "Ronaldus Magnus" Reagan?

When Chelsea Clinton asked a returning US Soldier about fear, he said that there were only three things he was afraid of: “Osama, Obama, and Yo’ Mama.”

Posted by Dan

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