In early July, two friends from different areas of the country came to town in the same time period, so a bunch of us got together at another friend's house to visit while all of our kids played together.
Sheila, Tonya, Julie, Me, Karen, and Myle. |
Also early in July, Dan's brother, Al, and some of his kids came over one evening to fish in our pond. Al brought their kayak along and he took the kids out one at a time paddling around the pond. There are fish in our pond, in fact several different kinds.
No one fell in! |
Catherine with a fish she caught. |
While the other kids were at Totus Tuus, I took Anthony to the dentist for his first ever cleaning and checkup. He did a great job, but unfortunately they found two little cavities. They worked him in later in the week and boy, was he a little trooper. He held still, opened his mouth when asked, and gave them no trouble whatsoever. I couldn't believe how well he did! He didn't even fuss when they put in the numbing medication!
Anthony at his first dentist visit. |
After the numbness in his mouth wore off, I took Anthony to Dairy Queen for lunch. He deserved it!
We shared chicken strips and fries. |
He got his own pop! |
And an ice cream sundae! |
We started getting lots of eggs in July, of course the chickens were getting bigger. At this point the kids loved to pick up the hens and carry them around.
Dominic with unnamed hen. |
Anne, with Goldy, aka Flipper. |
Now you can see why the kids say we have so many pets! |
At the end of July, we happened to go to the library when the firefighters were there with their firetruck. The fireman below let the kids climb up into the firetruck, then he took them all around the sides and the back to show them where they store everything. They enjoyed their tour very much.
Checking out the hoses. |
Where the ladder is stored. |
The Jaws of Life. He let the kids try to pick it up. They couldn't. |